Senior Twirler - Madison Frantzen

Mickeys Majorettes

2017 Senior Twirler:



 Madison Frantzen


  Feature Twirler at

  College Park 

  High School

  Class of 2020


  If you have additional questions

Please contact Patti Mickey via email:


Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler


Madison Frantzen performs her Solo at the 2017 Twirl In The Woods contest held at College Park High School.


Background image
 Miss Madison Frantzen - 2017





Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler


TWCP Feature Twirler
Madison Frantzen performs at the
2017 Twirl In The Woods contest.




Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler


Sophomore Feature Twirler
Madison Frantzen focuses on her baton during her routine at the
2017 Twirl In The Woods contest.






 Photos Courtesy of Edward Obias 


Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler


College Park Feature Twirler Madison Frantzen spins
during her routine at the
2017 Twirl In The Woods contest.




 Madison Frantzen competing at the 2017 Twirl In The Woods Contest held at CPHS. 



Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler
Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler


Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler



 Photos Courtesy of Edward Obias 



Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler


Madison Frantzen College Park High School Feature Baton Twirler