Twirl In The Woods Home Page

Pictures from TITW 2013


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Twirl In The Woods - 2015

We are sad to infrom everyone that TITW '15 will not be held this January. But we are looking foward to seeing everyone on January 16, 2016




Sponsored by:      The College Park High School Band Boosters


Contest Director:   Patti Mickey of Mickeys Majorettes


Location:                The Woodlands College Park High School

                                 3701 College Park Drive, The Woodlands, TX











All Photos by Edward Obias


  If you have additional questions

Please contact Patti Mickey via email:


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    The pictures on this page are of Participants and Winners at the 2013 Twirl In The Woods contest.  The young ladies may or may NOT be members of Mickeys Majorettes. The pictures reflect the contestants and the routines that are typically performed at the Twirl In The Woods contests throughout the years. Once again thank you Edward Obias for sharing your photos with us all.


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